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Harrah's Rincon
Casino and Resort
Harrah's Rincon Casino and
Resort is a Native American Casino in Valley Center,
and is open daily 24 hours. The 59,000 square foot casino features
1,600 slots and fifty table games.
The property has nine restaurants and a hotel with 653 rooms.
777 Harrah's Rincon Way
Valley Center, California 92082
United States
Website -
General Information - (760)
Toll Free - (877) 777-2457
FAX - (760) 751-3200
Toll Free Hotel Reservations -
(866) 303-JOBS
Toll Free Hotel Reservations -
(877) 777-2457
- Harrah's Rincon Casino and Resort has 1,600 total slots.
- Cabana Cove -
Californian, Mexican
- Club Cappuccino -
Coffee House - Coffee Shop, Pastries
- Corner Grill -
- Fiore -
Steak & Seafood serves Dinner
- Fortunes -
Asian serves Lunch, Dinner
- International Buffet -
Buffet serves Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
- Oyster Bar (adjacent to to Fiores) -
Oyster Bar serves Dinner
- Spirits Bar -
Bar - Bar Drinks and Food
- The San Luis Rey Café -
Café - American
Swimming Pool
- Harrah's Rincon Casino and Resort (Casino located within the Hotel)
Contains 653 Rooms and Suites.