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San Manuel Bingo
& Casino
San Manuel Bingo &
Casino is a Native American Casino in Highland,
and is open daily 24 hours. The 480,000 square foot casino features
2,000 slots and ninety-nine table games.
The property has six restaurants.
777 San Manuel Boulevard
Highland, California 92346
United States
Website -
General Information - (909)
Toll Free - (800) 359-2464
FAX - (909) 862-9147
- San Manuel Bingo & Casino has 2,000 total slots.
- 3 Card Poker, 6 tables
- 4 Card Poker, 1 tables
- Blackjack, 55 tables
- Let it Ride, 2 tables
- Mini-Baccarat, 2 tables
- Omaha Hold'em
- Pai Gow Poker, 2 tables
- Poker, 31 tables
- Seven Card Stud Poker
- Texas Hold'em
- Oasis Deli -
Deli/Grill - Sandwiches
- Serrano Buffet -
Buffet - International
- Sportswatch Grill -
Steak & Seafood
- Taste of Italy -
- Tukut Lounge -
- Tutu's Cafe -
Chinese, Thai
Gift Shop,
Non-Smoking Sections