
Best Western Ohkay
Casino Resort
Best Western Ohkay Casino
Resort is a Native American Casino in San Juan Pueblo,
New Mexico
and is open sun-thu 8am-4am, fri-sat 24 hours. The 30,000 square foot
casino features 670 slots and five table games.
The property has two restaurants and a hotel with 101 rooms.
Highway 68
2 miles North of Espanola
San Juan Pueblo, New Mexico 87566-1270
United States
Website -
General Information - (505)
Toll Free - (800) 752-9286
FAX - (505) 747-5692
Toll Free Hotel Reservations -
(877) 829-2865
- IGT - Fabulous 50's- $0.50 minimum bet
- IGT - Megabucks- $1.00 minimum bet
- IGT - Wheel of Fortune Progressive Dollar Slots- $1.00
minimum bet
- IGT Wheel of Fortune Video Slots- $0.05 minimum bet
- IGT Wheel of Gold- $0.25 minimum bet
- Blackjack, 5 Tables
- Craps
- Roulette
- Snack Bar
- Harvest Café -
Buffet serves Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
- Best Western Hotel (Casino located within the Hotel)
Contains 77 Standard Rooms and 24 Suites.