Arizona Charlie's
Decatur is a Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada
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Charlie's Decatur
Arizona Charlie's
Decatur is a Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada and is open daily 24 hours.
The 56,706 square foot casino features 1,635 slots and twenty-three
table games. The property has five restaurants and a hotel with 258
rooms. The website is www.arizonacharlies.com
740 South Decatur
Las Vegas, Nevada 89107-3989
United States
General Information
(702) 258-5200
Toll Free
(800) 342-2695
Toll Free - (800)
(702) 258-5196
Toll Free Hotel Reservations
(800) 342-2695
(702) 258-5120
Hotel Reservations
(702) 258-5111
- Slots, 1,635 slots- $0.05/.25/.50/1/5
minimum bet
- Anchor's Wheel of Gold - $.50
- Betty Boop's Big Hit
- Dollar Slots, 138 slots
- Five Dollar Slots, 4 slots
- IGT - Addams Family- $0.05 minimum bet
- IGT - Megabucks, 4 slots- $1.00 minimum
- IGT - Nevada Nickels Slots- $0.05 minimum
- IGT - Quartermania Slots- $0.25 minimum
- IGT - Wheel of Fortune Progressive Dollar
Slots- $0.25/$1.00 minimum bet
- IGT Elvis- $0.25/$1.00 minimum bet
- IGT Nickels Deluxe- $0.05 minimum bet
- IGT Quarters Deluxe- $0.25 minimum bet
- Nickel Slots, 648 slots
- Quarter Slots, 650 slots
- Table games , 23 tables
- Blackjack , 15 tables- $2.00 to $1,000
- Craps , 2 tables- $0.50 to $1,000 (5xOdds)
- Pai Gow Poker , 1 tables- $5.00 to $500
- Poker , 2 tables- $1.00 to $8 bets
- Roulette , 1 tables- $1.00 to $1,000 bets
- Atronic's I.C. Money - $.05 - 4 machines
- Bingo - 500 seats
- Dollar Video Poker - 124 machines
- Keno
- Other Slots - 191 machines
- Quarter Video Poker - 625 machines
- Race Book
- Sports Book
- Video Poker - 939 machines- $0.05/.25/1/5
minimum bet
- Video Poker - $5 - 9 machines
- (Buffet) - Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
- (Pizza)
- (Coffee Shop) - Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
- (Sandwiches) - Lunch, Dinner
- (Steak) - Dinner
- Arcade
- Ballroom
- Banquet Hall
- Bowling Center
- Complimentary Drinks
- Convention and meeting space
- Dance Floor
- Free Parking
- Free Valet Parking
- Gift Shop
- Meeting Facility
- Swimming Pool
- Transportation Available (Free shuttle to
airport and Strip)
- TVs (27" monitors and five giant monitors in
the Race and Sports Book)
- Valet Parking
- Wedding Chapel
- Arizona Charlie's Hotel (Casino located within
the Hotel)
- 249 Standard Rooms
- 9 Suites
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