U.S Players Welcome
Queen of Hearts
Hotel & Casino is in Las Vegas, Nevada
$333 free spins offer in 33 minutes
Queen of
Hearts Hotel & Casino
Queen of Hearts
Hotel & Casino is in Las Vegas, Nevada and is open sun-thu 8am-8pm;
fri-sat 24 hours. The casino features eighteen slots. The property has
one restaurant and a hotel with 100 rooms.
19 East Lewis
Las Vegas, Nevada 89101-6306
United States
General Information - (702) 382-8878
Toll Free - (800)
Toll Free Hotel Reservations
- (800) 637-5777
- Slots, 18 slots
- Dollar Slots, 2 slots
- Nickel Slots, 5 slots
- Quarter Slots, 11 slots
- (Lounge) - Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
- Queen of Hearts Hotel (Casino located within
the Hotel)
- 100 Hotel Rooms
USA Casinos Accepted USA Players


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